Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Woah It's Been Forever

Which is sucky. Ah well. the last, what is it, week? Month? Whatevs, anyways, in the time that has past, I've gotten accepted to the college I very muchly want to go to (yay!), I got a haircut (very scary at first, but it worked out well), watched Paranormal Activity (just scary in general), and started watching 30 Rock (which I am doing right now).

So, as you can see, lots of big steps in my personal and professional life (okay, even I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but hey, I'm sleep deprived).

I also just remembered I'm going to attempt to make ratatouille for my French class food day on Halloween. That should be interesting, seeing as how I'm not exactly a gourmet chef or anything. I'll keep you posted, though.

And..I guess that's about it. One of these days, I'm going to have to actually think of something interesting and lengthy to say. 

Someday, perhaps.

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